Erdal Yiğit's Research
Main Research Interests
Gravity waves in planetary atmospheres
Internal gravity waves are present in all planetary atmospheres
studied in the Solar System. They are produced in the lower atmosphere and can propagate into the upper
atmosphere. General circulation models have coarse grid resolution so they have to include gravity wave
parameterizations. I have developed a whole atmosphere gravity wave parameterization, which represents the
propagation and dissipation of gravity wave effect in the entire atmosphere.
Some Highlights and Media
Upcoming events
- American Geophysical Union, Washington DC --
SA42A: Progress in Whole Atmosphere Coupling Studies
- Oral: Thursday, 13 December 2018, 10:20-12:20 Convention Ctr - 202B
- Posters: Friday, 14 December 2018, 8:00-12:20 Convention Ctr - Hall A-C (Poster Hall)
- My abstracts:
- P43K-3906 Comparing MAVEN/NGIMS Thermospheric Wind Observations with M-GITM Simulations
- SA42A-08 Variation of small scale gravity wave activity in the ionosphere during a major sudden
stratospheric warming event of 2009
- SA51B-2730 Climatology of gravity wave activity in the middle atmosphere as simulated by a whole
atmosphere gravity wave parameterization in a GCM and as observed by SABER/TIMED.
Other interesting topics
...More to come...
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