We acknowledge the use and display of the data from the offical websites of AIA and HMI instruments on SDO and EIT instrument on SOHO.
Designed and developed by Nishu Karna, last upgraded on November 22th, 2016.

We have constructed synoptic map from both the central meridian and the from the limb. EUV Central Meridian synoptic map is constructed from Carrington Rotation (CR) 2058. You can find EUV Central Meridian synoptic map from CR 1911 to CR 2055 from Stanford . Central Meridian Synoptic map is constructed from SOHO EIT images and later on it was extended by SDO AIA images.
If you would like to use EIT synoptic maps for any publications, please cite the methods paper by Hess Webber et al. (2014) and AIA synoptic maps by Karna et al. (2014) .

Limb Synoptic maps are constructed from AIA images at height 1.05 Solar radii to 1.09 Solar radii for AIA 171, AIA 193, AIA 211, AIA 335, AIA 94 and AIA 131. For AIA 304 synoptic map is constructed at the height of 1.02 Solar radii to 1.06 Solar radii.
If you would like to use limb synoptic maps for any publications, please cite the methods paper by Karna et al. (2015) .

EUV Central Meridian SYNOPTIC MAPS
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EIT                                                                                                         AIA



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WEST LIMB                                                                                                         EAST LIMB