''' Unit test for the high level vds interface for eiger https://support.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/docNewFeatures/VDS/HDF5-VDS-requirements-use-cases-2014-12-10.pdf ''' import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal import os.path as osp import shutil import tempfile import h5py as h5 from ..common import ut from ..._hl.vds import vds_support @ut.skipUnless(vds_support, 'VDS requires HDF5 >= 1.9.233') class TestEigerHighLevel(ut.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.fname = ['raw_file_1.h5', 'raw_file_2.h5', 'raw_file_3.h5'] for k, outfile in enumerate(self.fname): filename = osp.join(self.working_dir, outfile) f = h5.File(filename, 'w') f['data'] = np.ones((20, 200, 200)) * k f.close() f = h5.File(osp.join(self.working_dir, 'raw_file_4.h5'), 'w') f['data'] = np.ones((18, 200, 200)) * 3 self.fname.append('raw_file_4.h5') self.fname = [osp.join(self.working_dir, ix) for ix in self.fname] f.close() def test_eiger_high_level(self): outfile = osp.join(self.working_dir, 'eiger.h5') layout = h5.VirtualLayout(shape=(78, 200, 200), dtype=float) M_minus_1 = 0 # Create the virtual dataset file with h5.File(outfile, 'w', libver='latest') as f: for foo in self.fname: in_data = h5.File(foo, 'r')['data'] src_shape = in_data.shape in_data.file.close() M = M_minus_1 + src_shape[0] vsource = h5.VirtualSource(foo, 'data', shape=src_shape) layout[M_minus_1:M, :, :] = vsource M_minus_1 = M f.create_virtual_dataset('data', layout, fillvalue=45) f = h5.File(outfile, 'r')['data'] self.assertEqual(f[10, 100, 10], 0.0) self.assertEqual(f[30, 100, 100], 1.0) self.assertEqual(f[50, 100, 100], 2.0) self.assertEqual(f[70, 100, 100], 3.0) f.file.close() def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.working_dir) ''' Unit test for the high level vds interface for excalibur https://support.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/docNewFeatures/VDS/HDF5-VDS-requirements-use-cases-2014-12-10.pdf ''' class ExcaliburData(object): FEM_PIXELS_PER_CHIP_X = 256 FEM_PIXELS_PER_CHIP_Y = 256 FEM_CHIPS_PER_STRIPE_X = 8 FEM_CHIPS_PER_STRIPE_Y = 1 FEM_STRIPES_PER_MODULE = 2 @property def sensor_module_dimensions(self): x_pixels = self.FEM_PIXELS_PER_CHIP_X * self.FEM_CHIPS_PER_STRIPE_X y_pixels = self.FEM_PIXELS_PER_CHIP_Y * self.FEM_CHIPS_PER_STRIPE_Y * self.FEM_STRIPES_PER_MODULE return y_pixels, x_pixels, @property def fem_stripe_dimensions(self): x_pixels = self.FEM_PIXELS_PER_CHIP_X * self.FEM_CHIPS_PER_STRIPE_X y_pixels = self.FEM_PIXELS_PER_CHIP_Y * self.FEM_CHIPS_PER_STRIPE_Y return y_pixels, x_pixels, def generate_sensor_module_image(self, value, dtype='uint16'): dset = np.empty(shape=self.sensor_module_dimensions, dtype=dtype) dset.fill(value) return dset def generate_fem_stripe_image(self, value, dtype='uint16'): dset = np.empty(shape=self.fem_stripe_dimensions, dtype=dtype) dset.fill(value) return dset @ut.skipUnless(vds_support, 'VDS requires HDF5 >= 1.9.233') class TestExcaliburHighLevel(ut.TestCase): def create_excalibur_fem_stripe_datafile(self, fname, nframes, excalibur_data,scale): shape = (nframes,) + excalibur_data.fem_stripe_dimensions max_shape = shape#(None,) + excalibur_data.fem_stripe_dimensions chunk = (1,) + excalibur_data.fem_stripe_dimensions with h5.File(fname, 'w', libver='latest') as f: dset = f.create_dataset('data', shape=shape, maxshape=max_shape, chunks=chunk, dtype='uint16') for data_value_index in np.arange(nframes): dset[data_value_index] = excalibur_data.generate_fem_stripe_image(data_value_index*scale) def setUp(self): self.working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.fname = ["stripe_%d.h5" % stripe for stripe in range(1,7)] self.fname = [osp.join(self.working_dir, f) for f in self.fname] nframes = 5 self.edata = ExcaliburData() for k, raw_file in enumerate(self.fname): self.create_excalibur_fem_stripe_datafile(raw_file, nframes, self.edata,k) def test_excalibur_high_level(self): outfile = osp.join(self.working_dir, 'excalibur.h5') f = h5.File(outfile,'w',libver='latest') # create an output file. in_key = 'data' # where is the data at the input? in_sh = h5.File(self.fname[0],'r')[in_key].shape # get the input shape dtype = h5.File(self.fname[0],'r')[in_key].dtype # get the datatype # now generate the output shape vertical_gap = 10 # pixels spacing in the vertical nfiles = len(self.fname) nframes = in_sh[0] width = in_sh[2] height = (in_sh[1]*nfiles) + (vertical_gap*(nfiles-1)) out_sh = (nframes, height, width) # Virtual layout is a representation of the output dataset layout = h5.VirtualLayout(shape=out_sh, dtype=dtype) offset = 0 # initial offset for i, filename in enumerate(self.fname): # A representation of the input dataset vsource = h5.VirtualSource(filename, in_key, shape=in_sh) layout[:, offset:(offset + in_sh[1]), :] = vsource # map them with indexing offset += in_sh[1] + vertical_gap # increment the offset # pass the fill value and list of maps f.create_virtual_dataset('data', layout, fillvalue=0x1) f.close() f = h5.File(outfile,'r')['data'] self.assertEqual(f[3,100,0], 0.0) self.assertEqual(f[3,260,0], 1.0) self.assertEqual(f[3,350,0], 3.0) self.assertEqual(f[3,650,0], 6.0) self.assertEqual(f[3,900,0], 9.0) self.assertEqual(f[3,1150,0], 12.0) self.assertEqual(f[3,1450,0], 15.0) f.file.close() def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.working_dir) ''' Unit test for the high level vds interface for percival https://support.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/docNewFeatures/VDS/HDF5-VDS-requirements-use-cases-2014-12-10.pdf ''' @ut.skipUnless(vds_support, 'VDS requires HDF5 >= 1.9.233') class TestPercivalHighLevel(ut.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.fname = ['raw_file_1.h5','raw_file_2.h5','raw_file_3.h5'] k = 0 for outfile in self.fname: filename = osp.join(self.working_dir, outfile) f = h5.File(filename,'w') f['data'] = np.ones((20,200,200))*k k +=1 f.close() f = h5.File(osp.join(self.working_dir, 'raw_file_4.h5'), 'w') f['data'] = np.ones((19,200,200))*3 self.fname.append('raw_file_4.h5') self.fname = [osp.join(self.working_dir, ix) for ix in self.fname] f.close() def test_percival_high_level(self): outfile = osp.join(self.working_dir, 'percival.h5') # Virtual layout is a representation of the output dataset layout = h5.VirtualLayout(shape=(79, 200, 200), dtype=np.float) for k, filename in enumerate(self.fname): dim1 = 19 if k == 3 else 20 vsource = h5.VirtualSource(filename, 'data',shape=(dim1, 200, 200)) layout[k:79:4, :, :] = vsource[:, :, :] # Create the virtual dataset file with h5.File(outfile, 'w', libver='latest') as f: f.create_virtual_dataset('data', layout, fillvalue=-5) foo = np.array(2 * list(range(4))) with h5.File(outfile,'r') as f: ds = f['data'] line = ds[:8,100,100] self.assertEqual(ds.shape, (79,200,200),) assert_array_equal(line, foo) def test_percival_source_from_dataset(self): outfile = osp.join(self.working_dir, 'percival.h5') # Virtual layout is a representation of the output dataset layout = h5.VirtualLayout(shape=(79, 200, 200), dtype=np.float) for k, filename in enumerate(self.fname): with h5.File(filename, 'r') as f: vsource = h5.VirtualSource(f['data']) layout[k:79:4, :, :] = vsource # Create the virtual dataset file with h5.File(outfile, 'w', libver='latest') as f: f.create_virtual_dataset('data', layout, fillvalue=-5) foo = np.array(2 * list(range(4))) with h5.File(outfile,'r') as f: ds = f['data'] line = ds[:8,100,100] self.assertEqual(ds.shape, (79,200,200),) assert_array_equal(line, foo) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.working_dir) @ut.skipUnless(vds_support, 'VDS requires HDF5 >= 1.9.233') class SlicingTestCase(ut.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Create source files (1.h5 to 4.h5) for n in range(1, 5): with h5.File(osp.join(self.tmpdir, '{}.h5'.format(n)), 'w') as f: d = f.create_dataset('data', (100,), 'i4') d[:] = np.arange(100) + n def test_slice_source(self): # Assemble virtual dataset layout = h5.VirtualLayout((4, 100), 'i4', maxshape=(4, None)) for n in range(1, 5): filename = osp.join(self.tmpdir, "{}.h5".format(n)) vsource = h5.VirtualSource(filename, 'data', shape=(100,)) # Fill the first half with positions 0, 2, 4... from the source layout[n - 1, :50] = vsource[0:100:2] # Fill the second half with places 1, 3, 5... from the source layout[n - 1, 50:] = vsource[1:100:2] outfile = osp.join(self.tmpdir, 'VDS.h5') # Add virtual dataset to output file with h5.File(outfile, 'w', libver='latest') as f: f.create_virtual_dataset('/group/data', layout, fillvalue=-5) with h5.File(outfile, 'r') as f: assert_array_equal(f['/group/data'][0][:3], [1, 3, 5]) assert_array_equal(f['/group/data'][0][50:53], [2, 4, 6]) assert_array_equal(f['/group/data'][3][:3], [4, 6, 8]) assert_array_equal(f['/group/data'][3][50:53], [5, 7, 9]) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) @ut.skipUnless(vds_support, 'VDS requires HDF5 >= 1.9.233') class IndexingTestCase(ut.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # Create source file (1.h5) with h5.File(osp.join(self.tmpdir, '1.h5'), 'w') as f: d = f.create_dataset('data', (10,), 'i4') d[:] = np.arange(10)*10 def test_index_layout(self): # Assemble virtual dataset (indexing target) layout = h5.VirtualLayout((100,), 'i4') inds = [3,6,20,25,33,47,70,75,96,98] filename = osp.join(self.tmpdir, "1.h5") vsource = h5.VirtualSource(filename, 'data', shape=(10,)) layout[inds] = vsource outfile = osp.join(self.tmpdir, 'VDS.h5') # Assembly virtual dataset (indexing source) layout2 = h5.VirtualLayout((6,), 'i4') inds2 = [0,1,4,5,8] layout2[1:] = vsource[inds2] # Add virtual datasets to output file and close with h5.File(outfile, 'w', libver='latest') as f: f.create_virtual_dataset('/data', layout, fillvalue=-5) f.create_virtual_dataset('/data2', layout2, fillvalue=-3) # Read data from virtual datasets with h5.File(outfile, 'r') as f: data = f['/data'][()] data2 = f['/data2'][()] # Verify assert_array_equal(data[inds], np.arange(10)*10) assert_array_equal(data2[1:], [0,10,40,50,80]) mask = np.zeros(100) mask[inds] = 1 self.assertEqual(data[mask == 0].min(), -5) self.assertEqual(data[mask == 0].max(), -5) self.assertEqual(data2[0], -3) def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) if __name__ == "__main__": ut.main()