pro event_list,year,filename ; ;Purpose: to create a list of all ICME for a particular year ; ;Inpust: year- year to make list ; filename- name of the saved file ; ;Output: list in text format with all the ICMEs for given year, must have data-catalogue for richardson list ; ; e.g.: IDL> event_list,'2011','event_2011_richardson.txt' ; ;Written by Suman Dhakal ; ; restore,'/swd4/Users/projects/sun_to_earth/richardson/richardson.sav' dis_time=strmid(event_structure.disturbance,0,4) my_event=where(dis_time eq year) my_event=event_structure[my_event] openw,ounit,filename,/get_lun for i=0,n_elements(my_event)-1 do begin printf,ounit,my_event[i].disturbance+' '+my_event[i].icme_start+' '+my_event[i].icme_end endfor free_lun,ounit end